On Wednesday (September 21th), after a long and exhausting day at school, because it was our "Physics..." who knows what...the last period, our Literature teacher, Miss Kelsey, red out loud to the class several "master" pieces of her blog. They were so good and so well-written, to be honest. Of course they were well-written, who am I kidding? She is a 'LITERATURE' teacher, she reads a lot, and yeah…she reads a lot, she has extra super fluent English. But anyway, that's not my point. My point is that she gave me a lot of ideas and made my brain work like a freaking crazy machine, for real (so she did with Camila, my best friend. She had so many flashbacks when she was a little annoying kid and how she made her little brother drink something to make him run faster). I had a storm of ideas inside my head, or the so called "brain storm".
About two days later, on Wednesday the 22nd, after I did two hours of cycling, I was doing my 'cardio' and thinking what should I write for my next post. I wanted it to be something different. I thought about writing about my parents since I love them and I always say they're my best friends and how our relationship is, and etc. Or also, I thought about my turtles, Trevor and Navi which are so special for me and are like my babies. But suddenly, someone very special popped into my mind. She is one of the cutest and strongest persons I have ever met. Her name is Esperanza (it means 'Hope' in spanish), I call her Esperanzita, though. She is an angel; I have always said that because she is such a good and big hearted person.
Well, the thing is...she works at my school as a 'service woman'. Last year, I used to see her more often since she was working in secondary school, now she works in primary school. I still go to see her sometimes, though.
Last year, when she still worked in secondary school, I was with my friend Mariela in class talking silly thinks. Suddenly we saw that Esperanzita was crying and the teachers were hugging her and etc. I still remember that feeling I got when I saw her crying. It was so heartbreaking. Anyway, we went outside, not that we wanted to loose time and be nosy or something, we were really worried.
We asked permission to go outside to Miss Ana Maria, my Spanish teacher. The first thing we did was hug her while the teachers were telling her that everything was going to be okay. We did not know what was happening. So when we got inside the class again, Miss Ana Maria told us that her family was killed at their house, including her grandson or granddaughter, I do not remember very well. I was so gutted about the situation, it was unbelievable. What kind of 'coward monsters' could do that?
When I got home, I decided to write her a letter. I remember I was so inspired at that moment. I wanted to mark a smile on her face and make her feel, at least, a little bit better. I can not remember what I wrote; I just remember a part where it said that she was 'one in sixty bazillions', because she was the kind of person who inspired people to be stronger. Not with those words, but it was something like that.
Next day, she did not go to school, so I gave the letter to Miss Annybeth, my English teacher, the letter so she could put it with the other things that were going to be given to Esperanzita. I do not why on earth, to be quite honest, a lot of teachers red tmy letter and they told me that it made some of them cry (pretty dramatic, huh?). Next day, I finally saw her, so I ran to her and gave her a "bear hug". She smiled and thanked me for the letter. She told me that it made her cry, a good cry though, because it showed that I cared about her. And it is true, I do care about her.
This year I have not seen her a lot, but every time I see her I always hug her. Now that we only have three weeks left, I won’t see her for more or less three months. I will miss her a lot. But I have her number, so I will call her whenever I have the chance to.
If you ever see someone without a smile, give him or her yours. You will make them feel better. J
so she did with Camila, my best friend. She had so many flashbacks when she was a little annoying kid and how she made her little brother drink something to make him run faster :') me siento importantee!! teamo sojan, esta semana llegaremos a visitar a Esperanzita si?